Quick start guide

oc_ocdm is a Python package that enables the user to import, produce, modify and export RDF data structures which are compliant with the OCDM v2.0.1 specification .

It’s available on PyPI and it’s compatible with Python environments of version 3.7 or greater, since it makes a wide use of features like Type Hints PEP 484 and f-strings PEP 498 , along with many others.

Its first stable and feature-complete version (4.0.0) was released on early January 2021 by OpenCitations. Previous development versions won’t be published on online repositories, but they will always remain available as tags in the GitHub repository .

Before going any further with this explanation, we highly recommend reading the OCDM specification implemented by the package, since a good understanding on the meaning of the OCDM data structures and their relationships is required to make a good use of the oc_ocdm package.

Graph, Prov and Metadata

Data structures defined in the context of the OCDM are called entities. There are three different categories of entities described by the specification:

  • graph entities: they represent the actual bibliographical data that has to be stored;

  • provenance entities: they are optionally used to keep track of how graph entities evolve over time, by storing a history of their subsequent snapshots;

  • metadata entities: they are used as a way to describe at a higher level the datasets and their different distributions.

oc_ocdm’s internal organization follows the same structure with three sub-packages called oc_ocdm.graph, oc_ocdm.prov and oc_ocdm.metadata, each one containing the respective class GraphEntity, ProvEntity and MetadataEntity.

The only supported way of instantiating an entity object is by making use of the available factory classes: GraphSet, ProvSet and MetadataSet. These classes act as a collection of entities, and they also provide factory methods to properly instantiate them. Each one implements specific functionalities related to the role played inside the OCDM context by the entities that they contain.

The most striking example is the generate_provenance method of ProvSet, which is able to automatically generate snapshots of entities contained in a given GraphSet, leaving the user with nothing to do other than instantiating an empty ProvSet and invoking this method with a proper GraphSet as input.

Instantiating entities: how to

An entity object can be instantiated in three different ways:
  • (case 1) a brand-new entity can be created out-of-nothing by calling the corresponding factory method without passing any res: URIRef as input;

  • an already existing entity can be instantiated in two different ways, depending on the type of operations that the user wants to perform on it:

    • (case 2) manually importing the entity from a triplestore (or an RDF file) and passing the obtained rdflib.Graph to the import_entities_from_graph static method from the Reader class;

    • (case 3) instantiating the entity without providing any information about its preexisting state: this can be done by directly calling the corresponding factory method while passing the IRI of the existing entity as the res: URIRef parameter.


Please, be aware that import_entities_from_graph stores the imported entities both in the list returned by the method and in the GraphSet passed as argument.

An entity with no knowledge of its preexisting state (either because it was created as in (case 3) or because it’s a completely new one) can only be modified in append mode. This means that, starting from an empty graph, the final set of triples that will have been produced by the user after invoking the getter, setter and remover methods of the entity will simply be added to the already existing graph, whatever its current content is.

Both in case of an RDF file storage or of an online triplestore, the RDF semantics will automatically prevent the presence of duplicated triples: this means that adding an already existing triple won’t produce any effect. The user won’t be notified in this particular case since, for performance and simplicity reasons, no check is done on the already existing data before persisting the changes.

On the other hand, an entity containing a non-empty preexisting graph will be managed differently. Starting from an empty graph, the final set of triples that will have been produced by the user after invoking the getter, setter and remover methods of the entity will be compared with the preexisting graph to determine what triples must be added and what must be removed from the ones that are currently stored. The user has the responsibility of providing an up-to-date preexisting graph, in order to avoid any kind of problem related to this particular approach.

General workflow

The following is a simple example of a general oc_ocdm workflow. For brevity considerations, only the processing of a single entity will be shown, while the package is designed to handle multiple sets of several entities each at the same time.


You can find a Jupyter notebook with the code from this tutorial in the GitHub repository .

Firstly, let’s create a new entity. In this example, a BibliographicResource is created out-of-nothing.

1from oc_ocdm.graph import GraphSet
2my_graphset = GraphSet("http://dataset_base_iri/")
3my_br = my_graphset.add_br("http://responsible_agent_uri/")

Then, let’s add some info to the new BibliographicResource instance.

1my_br.has_title("Resource title")
2my_br.has_subtitle("Resource subtitle")
4from rdflib import URIRef

The has_pub_date method requires as input a string in the ISO 8601 format, otherwise it won’t work. A helper method is provided by the package in order to simplify this task:

1from oc_ocdm.support import create_date
2iso_date_string = create_date([2020, 5, 25])

Let’s say that three errors where done in the previous steps:

  • a wrong title was given to the entity;

  • no subtitle should have been given to the entity;

  • a wrong related document was associated with the entity.

Since the title is a single-valued property of the entity, it’s sufficient to just overwrite its value. On the other hand, the related document property is a multi-valued one: this means that calling again the has_related_document will simply add another related document without removing the incorrect one. Hence, in this case, it’s necessary to also invoke the remove_related_document method passing to it the value to be removed.

1my_br.has_title("Correct title")

Let’s say that the user needs to also create a provenance layer of snapshots describing these changes.

1from oc_ocdm.prov import ProvSet
2my_provset = ProvSet(my_graphset, "http://dataset_base_iri/")

The dataset modification date must be updated too.

1from oc_ocdm.metadata import MetadataSet
2my_metadataset = MetadataSet("http://dataset_base_iri/")
3my_dataset = my_metadataset.add_dataset("dataset name", "http://dataset_base_iri/")

It’s now time to persist the changes made to the entity back to the online triplestore or to the RDF file (or both).

1from oc_ocdm import Storer
2my_graph_storer = Storer(my_graphset)
3my_prov_storer = Storer(my_provset)
4my_metadata_storer = Storer(my_metadataset)

Finally, if the user wants to continue modifying the same entities, then it’s necessary to invoke the commit_changes method of GraphSet and MetadataSet. This will align again the internal state of the contained entities with their persisted counterparts, enabling the user to consistently apply further changes to them.
